When building any software app, timing is everything. Everyday in dev is costing you money. So, if you’re looking to quickly build and support an iOS, Android, and web version, you’ll definitely want to use Flutter development. Flutter provides a consistent user experience on these platforms while avoiding the hassle of maintaining three separate codes. Once only considered for building MVPs, Flutter has evolved to  power mainstream apps, such as the New York Times, Realtor.com, NuBank, and MyBMW. Let’s look at the top three reasons why you should build your next app with Flutter.

Reason 1: Cross-Platform Flutter Development

Flutter is best known for creating natively compiled apps for mobile, web, and desktop from a single source code. In other words, you only need to code once and tdeploy that same code across multiple platforms (iOS, Android, Web, Linux, and Windows). As a result, you save significant costs and time on development. Flutter seamlessly deploys this single codebase, ensuring that the user experience is consistent across all of your platforms. You’ll also likely spend less time fixing bugs and running quality assurance on your app by working on just one source code. 

Reason 2: Fast Development from Hot Reload

Flutter is also known for its fast development cycle, thanks to features like Hot Reload. Hot Reload allows developers to instantly see the effects of their code changes in the app’s interface, without restarting the entire application. This rapid iteration and debugging process significantly speeds up the development process and makes it easier to experiment with different designs and features. It’s particularly useful for enhancing developer productivity and collaboration within development teams. Consider Flutter for a more seamless development lifecycle.

Reason 3: Rich and Customizable User Interface (UI) with Flutter

Flutter provides a rich set of widgets and tools for building highly customizable and visually appealing user interfaces. Its widget-based architecture allows you to compose complex UIs by combining smaller, reusable widgets together. Additionally, Flutter provides a wide range of pre-designed Material Design and Cupertino (iOS) widgets, making it easy to create platform-specific interfaces. You won’t get this type of experience with other cross-platform frameworks like Reach Native. If needed, you can also create custom widgets or modify existing ones to match your app’s unique design requirements. This flexibility ensures that you can create stunning and unique user interfaces tailored to your project’s needs. In doing so, your app won’t fall flat when offering a native experience to end users.

The Bottom Line / TLDR

Flutter offers cross-platform development capabilities, a fast development cycle with Hot Reload, and the ability to create highly customizable user interfaces. These factors make it a leading choice for building apps, especially if you’re looking to save time, reach a broad audience, and deliver a polished native user experience across multiple platforms. Connect with us today for a free consultation on whether Flutter is the right choice for your app.

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